Sunday, November 11, 2007

Autumn Episode of Reading Words: Sunday, Nov. 25th

Sarchasm (n):
The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit
and the person who doesn't get it.

Hello Friends of Words,

The autumn episode of READING WORDS is coming soon, on Sunday, November 25th. That's the last Sunday of this month, at the regular time of 7:30 to 10pm at Vade Mecvm cafe.

Well, temperatures are kind of falling. And, colors are kind of changing. So, I guess autumn is kind of here. Come out, wander the streets of Osaka in this very walkable weather and bring some words to share. We're looking forward to seeing you transform the printed page from a visual to a sonic entity.

Oh, my darling, literacy

We hope everyone, both new and familiar, will be able to join us for the fall session of Reading Words.
Please come and feel free to mix, mingle and add your voice to the whole.

All are welcome
Come and feast your ears!!

And, this month there is a choice of Two Challenges:

1) Ghost Train
Instructions: You're on the train and you notice a famous or interesting dead person gets on. Tell us what happens after that. Does Virginia Wolfe sit down next to you and strike up a conversation? Does a trench-coated Napoleon squeeze into a crowded Midosuji train and proceed to grope school girls before trying to hit you up for English practice? You get the idea. Put on your imagination and join it with commuter culture.
(concept suggested by Charlotte Hamilton. Thanks, Charlotte.)

2) Refinition
Instructions: Take any word from the dictionary, alter it by
adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.
(suggested by Ralph Famularo)

Thanks also to Ralph for turning me on to the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational which runs a contest asking readers to submit Refinitions.

Some of their winners are:

1) Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time. 2) Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole. 4) Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly. 5) Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 6) Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid. 7) Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high. 9) Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 10) Hipatitis: Terminal coolness. 11) Osteopornosis: A degenerate diseases. (This one got extra credit.) 12) Karmegeddon: It's when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, and then the Earth explodes, and it's a serious bummer. 13) Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 15) Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 18) Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

And, for our dearly departed folks beyond the Kansai shores, you're welcome to send in challenge submissions which we'll read if time permits.

As well, The Book Swap will be happening this month. Bring books you've read and loved or hated, and pick up books that tickle your ticklish spots...all for free! Also, CDs, DVDs and other swap-worthy medias are welcome, so bring out those tired tunes, etc. for others to enjoy.

Also, remember you can read stuff and see pictures of very previous events on the Reading Words blog at:
(Sorry, this remains almost terminally un-updated.)

And, please spread the word by forwarding this message to any and all. For more info, contact us here at this address readingwords(at)gmail(dot)com

Below are the event's details.

Hear you on Sunday November 25th!

Jerry Gordon
Reading Words

ps: If you don't want to be notified of such events, write us and we won't.

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WHEN: The last Sunday of August, November and February from 7:30 pm to 10ish.
Entry will begin at 7:30 and the reading will start shortly thereafter.

WHERE: The next event will be held on November 25th at cafe Vade Mecvm near Hommachi (see directions below)

WHAT: An Open Reading and a Book Swap
- The Reading itself will start just after 7:30 pm and run to roughly 10pm (with two short intermissions). Readers will get 7-10 minutes to read. People can read anything they like--poetry, short stories, excerpts of an original longer work or someone else's (please give credit accordingly). A sign-up sheet will be circulating for anyone interested in reading so come early to make sure you get on it if you want to read! If you are interested in using music as part of your reading, please email us as there are some special sound requirements.

- The Book Swap is a chance for people to bring books they would like to exchange for some new ones. You can try out new authors or genres risk free! The Book Swap will take place before, during and after the Readings so come early to get the books you want. We ask that any books you bring which are not taken return home with you as our groaning bookshelves are, well, groaning and can not take much more.

COST: 200 yen + one drink (no BYO, sorry). Cafe Vade Mecvm is graciously opening its doors after closing time so that Reading Words does not have to compete with bar noise or overhead music. The 200 yen will go to Vade Mecvm for these wonderful after-hour services.

Vade Mecvm offers wonderful coffees, teas, beer and wine and scrumptious western vegetarian, meaty and "something else" sandwiches on wholemeal bread as well as other foods to snack and munch on for Readers and Listeners alike!

Note: Vade Mecvm is non-smoking, but smoking outside is fine.

- Go to Hommachi Station on the Yotsubashi Subway Line (the blue line) and leave through exit 28. Walk in the direction of the IBM sign. You should be on the left side of the street and pass the IBM sign (if you are driving, you are on Yotsubashi-suji).
- Go past China Southern Airlines (left side). Go past Eneos Gas station and McDonalds (on the right side of the street). Go past the Utsubo Park entrance on your left. Go past OSTEC exhibition hall (look for the robot sculpture).
- Turn left at the intersection where the Century Building with the ground floor Family Mart is at (They're across the street diagonally)
- Walk up this street and stay on the left side. Go past the cross-street where the Kaneshige Stationary is on the far corner. Vade Mecvm is getting closer, just a half a block more on the left.
- Look for the black on white Vade Mecvm sign on the front of the building. It is next to a hallway that you enter to access the cafe. (There should also be a Reading Words sign out front) Go down the hallway to the back.

- It takes about 8 minutes to walk from the station to the cafe although it sounds like longer here!
- Vade Mecvm backs onto Utsubo park so if you are walking in the park you can come in the back way--sorry, don't have directions or landmarks for access from the park!

Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested and if you need more info just send us a message!

Hear you on Sunday November 25th!

Jerry Gordon