Friday, July 07, 2006

Kevin Keane (25.6.06)

After the Bang

churches cats and banks
crows cried
their blackness camouflaged
by carnage.
and the clouds bled.

— by Kevin Keane

At the Resort

white waves
white sand
tranquil horizon at my feet

the sky slumbers in the mirror sea
the sea floating up to the sky

— by Kevin Keane


the mirror which has sheltered every countenance
has befriended the snide eyes that unblinking lie
the static ears that listen though deaf
the gaping mouths that move but never speak

the looking glass has hosted desolate parties
of babbling crowds and diplomats launching vague words
like secret missiles of the night

the faces of the world have hidden the gardens
of the mind and masked the colors of dreams

— by Kevin Keane


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